Format: CD
File Under: Carnal Black Metal
Info: an infernal trip in a sexual carnage, Extreme Black Metal at his best! the Italian whipping demons are bloodthirstily back. The matrix's still raw fast Black metal, yet they've increased the breaks bridging other Black final assaults and added very brutal death guitar riffs. Handful of Hate define it Carnal Black metal, their style is like a mix amongst Marduk, Dark Funeral, Enthroned and the almighty defunct Angelcorpse. And don't expect all songs to do more than 100 Mph, since you can find excellent breaks but also excellent , glacially diabolical mid-tempo-songs. This band is SERIOUSLY one of the best METAL bands ever bred on Italian soil, If you don't buy this record, you're a jerk who can't recognize really worthy metal bands and therefore simply deserve annihilation.